It’s easy to see why the Badger has become synonymous with Wisconsin. It’s a tough, tenacious and—dare we say—cute little animal that doesn’t shy away from bigger adversaries when provoked. Perhaps that’s why everywhere around here, from the state nickname to a Big Ten mascot to a national paperboard company, invoke the name Badger.
We made sure to mention we are a national paperboard company for a reason. While we’re proud of being Badgers, there is one behavioral trait that we do not share with the animal. Wisconsinites are by no means solitary creatures. We’ve never been one to isolate ourselves, our entire culture is built upon social gatherings and sharing. That’s not just about cheese, beer or brats, either; it’s about making sure the entire country has access to Badger Paperboard products.
A lot of people are already aware of our capacities, but it never hurts to reiterate, especially in times when everyone has a lot more on their minds than normal. This is especially true of shippers, who have to take more variables into account when loading a pallet then they did just a few months ago. We might be Wisconsin-based and Badgers at heart, but with 4 facilities across the country, we can provide you with the same Badger-quality paperboard wherever you are in the continental U.S.
Why is this important? It means Badger Paperboard is more cost-efficient, has better lead times and customer service, all of which matters more in these trying times. Our services also extend up to Canada and down to Mexico, so your border shipments are assured the same Badger promise the rest of us are. It’s nothing out of the ordinary, it’s the same great services you’ve come to expect from Badger, and sometimes the expected can be quite comforting.